Drop off non-perishable or monetary donations any time between 6 am and 6 pm. Pull into the driveway/parking lot at the Carson Valley Inn. You will be directed by volunteers where to pull up. No need to get out of your vehicle, volunteers will unload for you. It's as easy as that!
Want to roll up your sleeves before the New Year and do some volunteering with your friends or co-workers but you’re not sure what to do or where to start? We’ve got you covered! Volunteering at the annual “Share Your Christmas Food Drive” at Carson Valley Inn Gardnerville, NV. is a great way to make an impact, have a lot of fun and start a new tradition.
We’ve got a few easy tips to help you set up your volunteer experience:
1. Contact us at info@thefoodcloset.org We will respond to your email with confirmation of time and information needed.
2. Find the best time for your group The Event time is 6:00AM-6:00PM. 1 hour? 2 hours? Register with us and we will add you to the schedule.
3. Great! I’m signed up to volunteer. What will we actually do?
Banners/Signs: Take a turn waving at the passing 395 traffic to encourage them to drive thru with a donation. Unloading Donations from Vehicles: Help to quickly off load donations and stage them in the correct area. Sorting Food Donations: Work with the point-person to quick sort into bins and crates to be placed on pallets. Recycle Bins: Everyone takes a turn monitoring the cardboard and trash dumpsters. End of the Event Cleanup: Not as exciting as the other tasks, but just as important.